Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 2 Homework

Stephen Oehler
C# DL812
     Homework Week #2 (Due Week #4)

Registration Form Overview

A registration form page was coded in HTML + C# to be deployed on an ASPNET compatible server.  The registration page consists of a header (HTML5), form, and footer (HTML5).  The header contains a single label designating the website as “Registration Central”.  The footer contains a blank label that is used to present feedback to the user after registering to the website.  Registration takes place in the form part of the site, which contains a CSS3-enabled rounded border div-tag, which then contains a table of labels and textboxes (in which registration information is placed) and a large submit button (also CSS3-enabled with rounded borders).

Registration is simple: the user types in their full name, email address, and web name in the single-line text boxes within the rounded div element.  Then, they are given the opportunity to input a reason for registration into the multi-line textbox at the bottom of the div control.

Upon clicking the Submit button, the information on the page is collected and written to a text file located in the App_Data folder.  Above depicts the text file after three registrations have occurred.

Two HTML5 elements and 2 CSS3 attributes were used to create this website.  The two HTML5 elements (the header and the footer) were added by placing the following with respect to <form/> in the html:

The two CSS3 attributes (border, border-radius) were added by placing the following code in a style class inside the <head/> tag in the html.  The attributes are indicated with red arrows.

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